Monday, December 12, 2016

            Student Success Statement

                “When you tell one lie, it leads to another”  by Paul Hatch

Lies are bad friends to have or to make. Sometimes we lie only once but whenever we lie once then we keep lying to protect ourselves. We are humans and yeah we make mistakes all the time but we don’t have to lie because it makes us look very bad. For example, we lie when we say we have been at school to finish a project. When our parents ask us again we say we took even longer because the teacher took forever to bring the supplies. That is when we decide to keep lying and we just build sandwich  made of lies. We may sometimes feel the urge to lie but we don’t think about it we just do it. Everything we do has consequences to our actions whether it is good or bad.  It really doesn’t matter what type of lie it was small or big lies will always be lies and they are known as bad. When one person lies after they get caught then everyone knows who they really are and people will dislike them.  Sometimes we believe it is okay to lie to not hurt someone’s feelings but the truth is that we shouldn’t lie because the truth always comes out eventually.  There are no excuses when it comes to lying because are bad and wrong people think that lies will never backfire but sometimes they do. We have to speak the truth because if we are always lying then no one will want to be near us or talk to us. For example: the boy who cried wolf he always kept lying and he never set boundaries on his lies he said one lie after the other. So the day there was an actual situation no one believed him that is why we have to always speak the truth and not lie because when we do everything will fall apart for us. We have ,any situations in which we just want to lie but we will always  pay the price of our lies.

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