Tuesday, January 31, 2017

                  Student Success Statement               


“You can’t be right by doing wrong; you can’t be wrong by doing right.” -By; Thomas S. Monson

This quote is telling us that if we are doing bad we will never be correct in the actions we make. We can lie and say we are doing the right thing but we know we are choosing the right. For example if we didn’t study for the previous test and we decide to cheat we are choosing the wrong because we know that is not the correct thing to do. We need to recognize if what we are doing is right or wrong because no matter how many times you lie you can never lie to yourself. If we have an idea and we know it is bad then it will be better if we just don’t do it and we choose the right. If we are constantly choosing the right and doing the right thing then we will know that we won’t be wrong at that things we decide to do. But if we are doing the wrong things then we will be wrong all the time no matter how hard we try to make it look good. If we are aware of the things we do being bad then we should stop at that instant because if we continue then we will be ctw people.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

     Student Success Statement
“Enthusiasm makes the difference” -By Norman Vincent Peale

This quote is trying to tell us to have enthusiasm in the subjects we do or depending the situation we are in. At times we do things we don’t personally like or find it exciting but what we don’t realize is that if we show more enthusiasm toward the things we do then it feels like forever while completing the task. In order to become a ctr person the we have to have a nice attitude towards the things we do. For example I study martial arts and i don’t enjoy being there but just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean I should have a negative attitude towards my karate class. I do sometimes feel I should find more interest in it that way I can get better and learn at 100%. If we show enthusiasm towards our actions then we will have a difference as if we choose to have an attitude then we won’t have the 100% capacity. If we show enthusiasm then things go by way quicker. For example if we enjoy a certain sport the games, the practices go by way faster if give it our all. We have to show enthusiasm so we can be a ctr person and ve more energized so we can try other qualities.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

              Student Success Statement
“I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what is right.” Dean Smith

Dean is trying to tell us that if we do right people will notice us. It isn’t about only doing right only one time we have to always choose the right that way people can look up to us and admire us. At times we believe that choosing the right isn’t worth it but it really is because if we don’t choose the right then people will notice us but in a  bad way. Dean left a legacy but not because he was a coach but because he always did the right thing. He wouldn’t say bad words he wouldn’t get mad when his team lost he understood and knew that if we do the right we get 10x better than if we choose the wrong. If we choose the wrong then once we aren’t there anymore then people will remember us like oh that kid is bad and all of that stuff. In the other hand if we do what is correct then once we aren’t there people will have a good image and we will have good luck all the time.

           Medical Illustrator
Duties and responsibilities: A medical illustrator is a professional artist with advanced education in both life science and visual communication. Medical illustrator transform complex information into visual images that have the potential to communicate the broad audience. They are trained and are advanced in education medicine, science, art, design, visual technology, media techniques, and other theories that are related to communication and learning. So what a medical illustrator does is create visual representations so people can understand them better.

Salary: The median salary for an medical illustrator is $62,000 but it can range up to $100,000.

Education: A medical illustrator is required a bachelor’s degree.They have to take these courses:
  • Human gross anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Pathology
  • Histology
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Embryology
  • Surgery

Demands Needed For this Profession:
  • A genuine interest in the scientific application of your skills and in the treatment of disease
  • Time management
  • technical/ creativity or artistic ability
  • An understanding of anatomy and and biology
  • Attention to detail and a methodical approach
Reflection:  I would not like to be a medical illustrator because it is not something I love. I don’t find this career as entertaining because I can’t draw I am not an artist. I also wouldn’t like to do this because it requires a lot of creativity and that is something I don’t really have.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


  1. Always wrong because it is theft and fraud.
  2. Providing the full source for a quotation
  3. false
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. When i refer to my own papers that i have previously written
  8. When using information from crowd-sourced sources like Wikipedia, because they are in the public domain.
  9. Summarize the text in your own words and cite it
  10. Both
  11. Citation is used to distribute money for royalties
  12. Both unethical collaboration and plagiarism 
  13. All of the above

Kid President 20 Things we should say more often

  1. Thank You 
  2. Excuse me
  3. Here is a surprise corndog i bought you because you're my friend.
  4. I'm sorry
  5. I forgive you
  6. You can do it
  7. I've got barbecue sauce in my shirt too
  8. Please.
  9. Everything is going to be okay
  10. Aww you got me a corn dog too?you shouldn't have buddy
  11. I don't know
  12. You're so awesome i named my boat after you
  13. You're so awesome i legally changed my name to yours
  14. Hello person I've never met before here's a high-five
  15. My sports team isn't always the best sports team
  16. Nothing 
  17. I disagree with you, but I still like you as a person who is a human being and I will treat you like that because if I don't it would make everything bad and that's what lots of people do and it's lame
  18. AAAAA!
  19. Life is tough , but so are you
  20. Something nice

Monday, January 23, 2017

              Student Success Statement
“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”- Dr. Randy Pausch

This quote is telling us how when we lead our lives the correct way we don’t have to worry about the negativity that will come our way. It is like being a ctr person if we always choose the right then we won’t have to worry about other things because everything will turn out fine in what we do. For example; when we have an assignment due we have to turn it in on time and not wait till the last minute because that is when we don’t have good luck. If we turn in our assignments late then we will have mistakes and get karma for not ctr. At times we don’t do what Dr.Randy is telling us but we have to find our own way. Meaning if we know our life isn’t going the track we’re suppose to be in.  If we lead our lives to the correct path we will have everything and there will be no need to worry about karma. We have to follow our passions and turn that into an actual career. If we love a certain type of thing we should follow it and not be wishing we could do that take action and your dreams will come true. If we decide to slack of and not care about anything then we will get karma.

       “Make Your Passion Your Profession”

  1. A passion I have is writing. It is one of my passions because I enjoy entertaining others with stories that are either make believe or are real.
  2. I can turn my passion into a profession by getting people to read my stories I have and well depending on that then we will see if i should publish it.
  3. In order for me to become a writer I must have a bachelor’s degree or you may also have an undergraded degree it really doesn’t matter what type of degree you have a s long as it is in writing.
  4. Some skills that may be needed are
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Syntax

I am willing to do anything that is necessary in order for me to accomplish one of my passions because i really do enjoy writing. There are many obstacles that will come in the way but it is something i enjoy doing. There are many times when I have written essays for my teachers and they really like them due to the fact it has great creativity and my mind is well put on that specific task. I personally like to write about romance between people who have loved and ended either very happy or ended in a negative way.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

         Student Success Statement

“Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating  the BODY, the MIND, and above all the CHARACTER, giving spiritual and moral training to those who on a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation.” By- Theodore Roosevelt

   This quote is trying to tell us that if we educate ourselves then we will be good later on. We have a good character because that is what counts. For example, if we have everything we ask for and have a bad attitude all of those things can change. Not only do we have to have a good mind and body but our character and the person we want to be top all of that. There are some circumstances where people don’t realize there character is what they need change so they may look perfect and think the have it all but the character is what makes us look good. We have to grow up and be stronger, intelligent, but overall wise. It may take long sometimes to change what we have to but that doesn’t mean we give up. We can become as great as we want but we have to educate the body, mind, and overall character. In my perspective I believe that when he says the nation it is the path we are going to take when we have successfully finishes the education we received. If we don’t have a good character then we won’t be able to decide our own destiny.

       Medical Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: The medical assistant is responsible for
  • answering telephones,
  • they greet the patients,
  • they update and fill the patient’s medical records
  • Fill out the insurance form
  • Schedule appointments
  • Handle billing and bookkeeping

Salary:The median annual medical Assistant salary is $33,330

Education: Associate’s degree,diploma,or certificate in medical assistance.
Demands Needed For this Profession:
  • Interpersonal
  • Communication
  • Comprehensive knowledge of human anatomy
  • Medical terminology
  • Insurance procedures
  • Pharmacology

Reflection: I would not like to be a medical assistant because we don’t really participate in the patient’s health. It is a good career but i like to get involved with the medicine and be the one who is taking care of the patient.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

               Student Success Statement
“Take responsibility for your OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being’’  by-Mr. C.S Haymore


What this makes me understand is that we need to think about ourselves and the things we do. We need to think of ourselves because no one else will take responsibility for the things you do. We need to push ourselves to do better everyday not only for our mental health but for our physical too. It is very important to keep our body in shape and take care of our health because if we don’t take care of ourselves then no one will. We have to take charge in what happens with us because no one else will take care of us if we don’t do it ourselves. We have to notice the good and the bad that comes when we do our actions because we can’t be proud of something we do and it ends up being bad. We can take care of the things we do and then will be okay because we are being responsible and knowing the things we do. Sometimes we get to caught up and doing other stuff we don’t pay much attention to the things we cause or the good things we do. We have to pay attention and be aware of the things that are going on with our body and take care of ourselves.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

  Student Success Statement
“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education.”- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

This quote is telling us how when we are intelligent that isn’t the only way we get the right education. There are many more things we can do in order to have a good education. For example is we have a good character then things will easily come our way because if we lack on people’s respect we will never be a good person in general. Intelligence is one of the keys to success because when we are intelligent we have more chances of getting the right education. We have to try to have a good character and show that we know how to treat others. For example if we are really intelligent and are always on things in the correct path if we don’t have a good character then we really aren’t doing anything to get the education you want because your character says more than any action you’ll do. To have a good character we have to choose the right in the actions we do we can’t just expect to turn good all of a sudden.


Duties and Responsibilities; Kinesiologist is the study of science of human movement in home, work, sport. They focus on the function and the movements of the body. They manage to prevent disorders that impede bodily movements. They may be needed in areas like: exercise,athletics and even daily living. When they work they use scientific approaches involving biology, chemistry, and physics.

Salary: 42,978 per year

Education: A kinesiologist is required a bachelor’s degree in science in kinesiology or in the health area related.

Demands For this profession: You may be required to take the courses in biomechanics, motor learning,exercise physiology, human anatomy, nutrition, sports physiology, fitness, and fitness testing.Other programs may require that students get to choose a specific area to focus on whether science exercise or fitness.

Reflection: Learning about this career has made me realize that it is very entertaining but it isn’t something I personally would like to study. I wouldn’t like to study this career because i don’t really like science so i don’t find this interesting.